Monday, February 11, 2013


I probably shouldn't start this blog in the morning...I mean, it's called "Musings of a Momsomniac" right?  It implies I should be writing this late at night when I can't sleep, but alas, I am a high functioning insomniac and this idea that I should start a blog came to me in the wee hours of the night and when the light of day came, I thought 'what the heck, I'll give it a go!'  So here goes... 

About me... I have OCD and insomnia and the two make for a quite comical and sometimes magical daily existence.  I have two children, whom I adore and try to make everyday an adventure for.  I love to throw theme parties and make crafts and I love entertaining.  I do not know the meaning of the word "no!" when it comes to my children...oh who am I kidding, I don't know the meaning of "no" for anyone!  I am the president of my son's co-operative day school, on the PTA at my daughters school and recently said "sure" I would become a Daisy Troop leader!  My husband jokes that I have a hamster wheel in my brain and that it turns all night long...hence the reason I hardly sleep, but I come up with what is clearly the most brilliant ideas when then hamster starts to turn the wheel.  Among those "brilliant" ideas; joining a CSA for this coming spring, documenting a year worth of hairstyles for my daughter, documenting and creating a years worth of inventive lunches, making my own soap party favors, and the list goes on....

What I am working on now:  In January I threw and Alice in Wonderland themed Birthday for my daughter.  It was a ton of fun, but it is now time to switch gears because in March I am throwing a Bug Birthday Bash for my son's 4th Birthday.   So it's all things creepy and crawly in my house.  I have also been working on the kids Valentine's for their respective schools and now getting ready to  host my first Daisy Scout meeting... it's a busy Month.

What I hope to accomplish:  I hope to share with you some of the things I am working on and some of the projects, parties and some crazy momsomniac moments from my life.  I hope you enjoy!

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